Paul Homlish's recipes

June 19, 2019

half sour pickels

Filed under: appetizer — phomlish @ 4:58 am
half sour pickels
  1. 4 tablespoons Pickling Salt
  2. 4 Quarts Non-Chlorinated Water
  3. Pickling Cucumbers, as many as will fit
  4. 4 Garlic cloves (smashed)
  5. 2 heads of fresh dill
  6. 2 grape leaves (keeps them crisp)
  7. 2 tsp cinnamon
  8. 2 Tbs coriander seeds
  9. 2 Tbs mustard seeds
  10. 15 bay leaves, crushed
  11. 1 Tbs black pepper
  12. 3 cloves
  13. 1 Tbs ginger powder or root
  1. Wash cucumbers and trim off the blossom end of the cucumber.
  2. Stir salt and water together in a jar, then add cucumbers and seasonings leaving at least 2" of headspace.
  3. Keep produce submerged in brine with the special crock weights.
  4. Cover with lid, add water around the moat, and let sit in a cool dark place for 7-10 days, or until it reaches your desired sourness, then refrigerate in brine to stop fermentation and store. Perhaps add some seeds and garlic from the crock.
  5. Pickles will become more sour each day they ferment and the brine will turn cloudy.
  1. First try was 8 days - too spicy hot, too much clove, too sour.
  2. try checking them at 3 days.
  3. Edited recipe- untried
  4. targeting 1 gallon of liquid
Paul Homlish's recipes

My crock is 10 litters (10.5 quarts)

Day 0



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