Paul Homlish's recipes

July 20, 2016

Strawberry Rhubarb Pie

Filed under: pie — paul @ 3:13 pm


Strawberry Rhubarb Pie
  1. 2 - 9" Pie Crusts
  2. 1.5 # Rhubarb, cut into 1/4 " pieces
  3. 1 # Strawberries, cut into 1/2 " pieces
  4. 3 Tbs cornstarch
  5. 3 Tbs flour
  6. 1 cup sugar
  1. mix strawberries, rhubarb, 1/2 cup sugar. Let stand for an hour or overnight in the fridge.
  2. Add corn starch & flouer to mixture.
  3. Add mixture to pie crust. Cover or lattice with another pie crust. Sprinkle 1/2 cup sugar on top.
  4. Bake @ 400 for 20 minutes, then another hour @ 350.
Paul Homlish's recipes
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